Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I have passed 1,000 pageveiws! (last I looked it was at 1,016)
Yay!! Wooo Hoooo!

Anyways sorry for not posting yesterday and for posting so late today. :p

Nice springy weather + dad on vacation from work for a week = lots of outside work.
Washing the cars, weeding out the garden beds, planting, bleh all stuff I hate.
So if I don't post it will probably be because of work.
So in an attemt to put something Percy Jackson in this lame little post, here is young Percy!
Isn't he so cute?

Anyways thanks for visting my blog!
~~~~~ wheeeee!

Saturday, April 27, 2013


We blew a fuse yesterday, the fuse that makes our sump pump go, you know, the thing that keeps all the rain water out of our basement.
So we had an inch and a half of water in our basement yesterday, but we didn't lose anything important and we're getting it cleaned up.

On a happier note, this is what I think of whenever I see a starbucks. ^.^

Friday, April 26, 2013

:( Nico . . .

Now, this picture here pretty much sums up what I think.
See? Grrr.
Now look at some more good fanart!

Sorry Piper but I agree.
Execpt Hazel should die before Piper.
They are the only two who can die.


Thursday, April 25, 2013


I finished second and third Kane books, I realy liked them. Percy Jackson is still #1 on my list but the Kane books were fairly awesome. I'm looking forward to reading the Son of Sobek in the paperback Serpent's Shadow. I won't be buying it though so I'll just go sit in Barnes and Nobel to read it. ;)

EDIT: Oh some disturbing thoughts crossed my mind while reading to my sister. Mars said that Percy's fatal flaw was loyalty to his friends blah, blah, blah and that someday he was going to face a hard choise that he wasn't going to be able to make without Franks help. I have a sinking feeling that his hard choice has nothing to do with him and Annabeth falling into tarturus, at least directly. I though that the choice was letting Annabeth fall alone VS going with her and he failed but the more I think about it the less likely that seems. Maybe Percy will close the Doors of Death but I don't think that's very likely or maybe it'll have something to do with how I've heard that some people think Nico's going to die, I don't know.
So now I have this disturbing info dump to think about....

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I can't come up with any good titles so I'm just putting the date. . .

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Hi everyone, here are some more pictures. :) I made the last one.
And look, I got the Chibi pictures to work!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Flood Pictures

Also not Percy Jackson related but I decided to share some pictures.

The Dairy Farm across the street (and down) from us.

The Creek on our side of the road (it was worse on the other side)

The Dairy Ranch. (The sign is realy close to the road.)

The spot where the baby cows were

All pictures (c) Cyndi Lewis

Friday, April 19, 2013


Okay, what I have to say today isn't Percy Jackson related.

So the day before yesterday my family added 12 little peeping baby chickens to our garage. They're in a box untill they get bigger and it had been raining non-stop all day.
On the same day we also got 7 laying hens and 2 roosters (two more than we wanted.)
Then yesterday morning I wake up to the calves (baby cows) across the street mooing like mad and our roosters crowing repeatedly.
So I go look out the window in the front of our house and I see that the pasture across the street has flooded and now there's a huge lake there. I'm not sure how deep it was but it covered the tires of one of the farm trucks.
So there were a bunch of farmers out at nine in the morning rescuing the baby cows becuase their enclosure was flooding.  Two of the farms forklifts got stuck in the water. I went outside and walked toward the road to see that it had an inch or two of water over part of the road down by the farm buildings. I walked down to the creek to see how high it was and it had risen out of it's banks on one side and was almost out of the banks on the side my house is on (but our house is not near the creek).
I saw one lady using a mop to try and keep water out of her basement and her house wasn't close to the creek either.
One house is super close to the creek and the family was outside watching the water, but I think they stayed dry.
Next I walked back to see how high the creek was on my family's property but there was water over the path before I even got into the woods and since I wasn't wearing good boots and I didn't know how deep it was I didn't get back to the creek.
We were supposed to get 3 more inches of rain last night but we didn't. Thank goodness.
The water has gone down and is no longer covering the road.

I did hear that one of my friends had two inches of water in their basement and they don't even live by a creek or a river or the lake.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Red Pyramid

Okay so I just started reading The Red Pyramid recently.
It's very different from the other books but I still like it.
But I'm wondering, am I the only one who thought that Anubis was Nico the first few times Sadie saw him?
Sorry for the short post but I want to go read more. ;)
I'm more than half-way through the book already.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Okay so I know that there are a lot of people who hate Octavian (myself included) but I've been seeing a lot of stuff about how Octavian could be working for Gaea.
As much as I'd like to belive that I don't think it's true.
Sure Octavian hates the Greeks and is going to attack Camp Half-Blood but he's a loyal Roman.
I do not think that he is working with the Giants, sure they may have a common goal (like destroying the Greeks.) but the since the Greek gods are also Roman so they would get destoryed too and Ocativan doesn't want that.
I just rained on some parades didn't I?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Here are some of the cool, funny or interesting comics I found on pinterest.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Chibi Characters!

I found a cool Chibi maker online (@ dolldivine.com) and decided to make the Seven!

But it saved weird and I'll have to re-make all of them. >:( It took me half an hour last time!
 EDIT: I'll post them today!

And tomorrow I'm going to read The Red Pyramid for the first time. Some of my friends say it's good, some said that it was boring. So we'll see.

Okay, somehow I saved the others wrong again and only the Hazel one worked. >:(
I'll try and fix it another time.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Percy Jackson Party!

(Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was busy.)

Last Friday a friend of mine sudjusted that we have a Percy Jackson party when the weather gets warmer.
It will probably be hosted at my house, since my family owns 5 acers of land.
So I'm trying to come up with ideas for what we could do at the party.
I already thought of caputre the flag. It would be fun because a lot of my backyard is woods and we have a creek near the back of our land. So that would be fun.
But besides a campfire and s'mores I can't think of anything else, so if you have any ideas please tell me via e-mail (warriorsandpjblogger@gmail.com) or in the comments.
~ Louise Lewis (warriorsandPJ) (by the way, I love this comic, I found it on pinterest.)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I am back! :D

It's nice to be back. :)
But my mom just lowered our internet limit to half-a-hour per day, so my posts might be a little shorter on some days.

So over the time that I was gone I was reading The Lost Hero to my younger sister, Reagan, who is eight years old. (My sister Andi, who is the second oldest, read her the first series.)
So on April first I decided to play a little april fools prank while reading to Reagan.
We were on the chapter where Jason, Leo and Piper had crashed into the building in Detroit.
And I didn't read the book. I made up my own words and made Piper and Jason die.
After I said "April Fools!" Reagan started hitting me with her pillow.
For a scrawny little thing she can hit realy hard.

So last night we fininshed the book. I read at least ten chapters yesterday. Almost non-stop too.
When I read the last sentance, "Right, Percy Jackson is at the other camp and he probably doesn't even remember who he is." Reagan screamed.
She started running around and screaming.
My ears hurt.

So as I type she is behind me, pestering me, asking when I'm going to be done. So that I can read her The Son of Neptune.
She's been pestering me all day. But I tell her, "I waited a year to read it, so you can wait a day."
She hasn't even waited a full 24 hours yet.
My goal is to have her caught up by the time The House of Hades comes out.
And at the rate we're reading (about 3 chapters a day.) we'll be done by mid-summer.
Then Reagan has to wait a while.
I have first dibs on the House of Hades because I'm the fastest reader.
Then my sister Andi, gets to read it next and then my mom gets it, then my brother gets it, then I can read it to Reagan as long as none of our friends ask to borrow it.
Of course one of my friends has lost her borrowing privleges becuase she returned the Mark of Athena and the binding was rippped. (although it was her brother who ripped it.)

Thats all for today,
see ya!