Monday, September 30, 2013

Something Awfully Exciting/Horrible

I have no idea if this is for real or not but I saw this on Pinterest.

OMG is this real???? I'm kinda freaking out, how could this have gotten out if it's real?

EDIT: This is probably a fake since the books isn't out yet. Don't believe anything yet.

Other pictures for today . . . (sorry not so exciting.)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

something awesome

well 'something awesome' is just a normal post. the title was to get more people to come look.... lol

I don't ship them but it was too cute!

I'm homeschooled. *makes evil face* I shall be reading all day.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Theater class was soooo fun yesterday, I can't wait until next Friday.
Anyway, my post today is song lyrics. Look this song up because it's awesome.

Overboard by Manafest

I hear you calling out
Our ship is going down
We're sinking and I can't let you go
I couldn't understand
You wouldn't take my hand
I watched you fall into the ocean below
It's a fight to survive
Do or die and keep it alive

We gotta wake up, we gotta save us
So baby hang on
I'm coming after you, I'm diving overboard
Any moment we could lose it
I'm coming after you, I'm diving overboard
I'm diving overboard off the edge
I'm diving overboard
I'm diving overboard
I'm diving overboard

It's all or nothing now
It's time we figure out
Or we'll be going back and forth
To the end
Cause every time we touch
We fall right back in love
Just to break apart like waves in the wind
Out of breath, ship is wrecked
In distress, but we'll fight for what's left

We gotta wake up, we gotta save us
So baby hang on
I'm coming after you, I'm diving overboard
Any moment we could lose it
I'm coming after you, I'm diving overboard
I'm diving overboard off the edge
I'm diving overboard
I'm diving overboard
I'm diving overboard

I'm rushing out, coming now
Take my hand
I'm reaching down, don't let go
I'll get you home
Lay you in a safety zone
Hold you in my arm's embrace
Never let it go astray
Storms will fade, sun will rise
Baby we gone, be alright
Breathe in, breathe out
There's still a heart beat pounding
Don't give up, open your eyes

We gotta wake up, we gotta save us
So baby hang on
I'm coming after you, I'm diving overboard
Any moment we could lose it
I'm coming after you, I'm diving overboard
I'm diving overboard off the edge
I'm diving overboard
I'm diving overboard
I'm diving overboard

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Oh just letting you know, my theater class starts this Friday so I don't know if I'll be able to post on Fridays.
Anyway, here is today's fan-arts!



Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Happy Nico!!! ♥

"I'm glad you're not a guinea pig." -Annabeth

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Best Halloween costume ever.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Leo: "Hi there!"
Reyna: "So you're the one who destroyed my camp."

Monday, September 16, 2013

Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo

Click here to read a new short story by Rick Riordan called Percy Jackson and The Singer of Apollo.
(it involves Percy about to fall to his death, sans pants.) You can read the whole thing for free. It's in a collection of short stories but it's the first one.
Or you can go buy "Guys Read: Other Worlds" but I myself only care about Percy.

Teh Funnies!!!!!

I found a really funny picture on Pinterest today . . . .

Pfffftttt! Poor Frank, Percy and Leo are enjoying it, an Jason is trying to be invisible.
And Frank looks like LSP (Lumpy Space Princess)  from Adventure Time.
LSP from Adventure Time.
It gets funnier the longer you look at it.

Lil' Percy!!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I almost typed 9/40 in the title because I looked at the clock and not the date.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


In memory of all who lost their life and loved ones on 9.11 

you'll need to click to read it.

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Very Serious Post.

I’m afraid for Percy and what might happen in the last two books left in the Heroes of Olympus series.
   I don’t want him or Annabeth to die and I’m so afraid of what might happen.
I’m going to talk about some things that might happen in the upcoming books.

Percy Might Die:   I don’t think that Rick would kill Percy because he was the first main character in his books and he’ll have a ton of angry fans. However it still might happen, I don’t know. I’m not Rick Riordan.
    But this quote worries me even more.
  “Percy Jackson? He’s too loyal to his friends. He can’t give them up, not for anything. And someday soon he’s going to face a sacrifice that he can’t make.” –Mars
Maybe the sacrifice was letting Annabeth fall into Tartarus alone, if it’s that then he wasn’t able to make it and it could have negative repercussions later.
   But I’m afraid that that’s not it.
What if his ‘sacrifice’ is letting one of the Seven (besides Him/Annabeth) close the doors and be in Tartarus forever?  Will he be able to do it? I don’t know.
   Also, Gaea thinks she can control Percy, maybe she’ll threaten Annabeth.

If Percy died Annabeth would be super angry, kill a ton of monsters and then be depressed and sad for the rest of her life.

Annabeth Might Die:   Many people think that Annabeth will die either in HoH or the last book.
    I don’t want this to happen, if she died Percy would probably die too.
   Because if she was dead Percy would just sit there all frozen and not react to anything and he’d get killed by a monster.

Hazel Might Die:  Yes, I think Hazel might be the one to close the Doors because she is supposed to be dead anyway and she might feel that that is why she was allowed a second chance. And “An oath to keep with a final breath” might have something to do with her keeping Frank’s firewood safe.
Leo Might Die:  He might close the Doors because of the whole  7th wheel thing. But I really don’t want that to happen.

Jason/Piper/Frank Might Die: I don’t think so. Seems unlikely that any of them would die.

Coach Gleeson Hedge Might Die: Who knows, he might get all protective and close the Doors himself. He is getting old.

Also in most quests bigger than three demigods only three return (with the exception of all of them coming back in the Battle of the Labyrinth even though there were 4 of them But only two were demigods.)
  So will only three return to each camp?  That means one of the seven would die, probably a Greek since there are 4 of them.
  However if Hazel closes the Doors then I think it would be,
  Camp Jupiter:  Jason, Frank, Piper.
 Camp Half-Blood: Percy, Annabeth, Leo.

We’re getting so close to the end of all this madness. 4 weeks and 1 day until October 8. Bear with me  fellow demigods.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Thank you to all who read my blog!!! I got 503 page views yesterday!!
I should have linked to here from my pinterest account earlier because I got 111 views from that link!
Thanks again to all my readers.

This is the gateway arch!!!
I've been up inside it!

Friday, September 6, 2013


Today's post is a comic that I drew myself!!!!!

Dance Contest
Louise Lewis
(they're kinda big so, click to see full size and be able to read them)