Saturday, December 28, 2013


Just letting you guys know that it might be a few days to a week before I post again.
I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth pulled on Monday so I won't feel like doing much of anything right away.
If you sent in a quiz form and I didn't answer, don't worry I'll get to it. :)
I've got a cold today so I have just been laying around then I decided that since I don't post on Sundays I might want to tell you about my being gone.

Friday, December 27, 2013


Three people have entered the contest so far but nobody has gotten a perfect score.
I won't give out the names but here are the rankings so far.

EDIT: I decided that half-points are unfair and could possibly be hard to calculate so I'm not going to do half-points. If you got a question almost right it will still be wrong. Sorry. 

There are two people tied for first place with 40 out of 53 points each.
The person in second has 29 out of 53 points.

Feel free to enter again and try and get the right answers to some of the questions you answered incorrectly.
If there's a tie I'll some up with some sort of tiebreaker.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Micheal Vey

These are great books, if you like Percy Jackson you will probably like this.
I was hooked as soon as the main character (Micheal Vey) said that he doesn't look for trouble, it finds him.
Now who does that sound like?
I really enjoyed this book.
In this one Michael's mom is kidnapped and he sets out to rescue her but ends up getting captured himself.
It's a very action packed book and I loved it.
Now since I'm not very good at reviews I got the Barnes&Nobel description from the website.
(And if anyone didn't know, a $10 Barnes&Nobel gift card is the prize for my contest.)

My name is Michael Vey, and the story I’m about to tell you is strange. Very strange. It’s my story.
To everyone at Meridian High School, Michael Vey is an ordinary fourteen-year-old. In fact, the only thing that seems to set him apart is the fact that he has Tourette’s syndrome. But Michael is anything but ordinary. Michael has special powers. Electric powers.
Michael thinks he's unique until he discovers that a cheerleader named Taylor also has special powers. With the help of Michael’s friend, Ostin, the three of them set out to discover how Michael and Taylor ended up this way, but their investigation brings them to the attention of a powerful group who wants to control the electric children – and through them the world. Michael will have to rely on his wits, powers, and friends if he’s to survive.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Hey Merry Christmas everyone!
(Happy Holidays to you if you don't celebrate Christmas.)

I hope to get lots of entries for my quiz so if you haven't entered you should!
I wont be online tomorrow or Christmas so if you send in an entry I won't see it until the 26th.

Percy and Annabeth say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you!
(I don't know who drew this but I sure didn't)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

More Quiz Info

Hey guys!
Someone asked if I was going to allow multiple entries per person and I decided that I would. (Since I did have to laugh at a few of the incorrect answers to some of the questions.)
So after you e-mail in your entry I will read it and then e-mail you back telling you how many were right and how many were wrong. BUT I will not tell you what questions had wrong answers.

I was also asked if I could keep a tally of the amount of points everyone has.
I will not be doing this as I am going to be fairly busy these next few weeks. (I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth pulled next Monday, the 30th)
I might do an update every now and then stating how many entries I have gotten.

Also I decided that I will close the quiz before January 30 if someone gets all the questions correct.

EDIT: I found some mistakes in my quiz while I was typing up my answer key. If they had just been small mistakes like spelling I wouldn't have said anything. But some of the mistakes would effect answers so I have to fix them. If you have already sent in a quiz form I will not count that one. 
I am so sorry for that.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Super Fan Quiz Begins!!

EDIT: I had to fix some mistakes but they should all be fixed now. Happy Quizzing!

Yay! I'm finally going to start the quiz!

Rules and Info

1. E-mail in your entry to! (No putting it in the comments.)
2. Be good sports, it's not a big deal if you don't win.
3. Use the format I give for your entry.
4. The Quiz will be open until January 30 (edit) UNLESS someone gets all 45 questions and all 4 bonus questions correct before then.
5. After January 30 I will count the amount of correct answers each person has. You will get 1 point for each correct answer and 2 points for bonus questions answered correctly. The person with the most points wins!
6. If you win I will contact you by e-mail. You will have to tell me your address and your first and last name in order for me to send you your prize. You will have to trust that I am not some weird old man stalker person. :) (I'm not. But I'd say that even if I was.)
7. My family members cannot enter. Sorry.

You can copy and paste the quiz form into an e-mail then fill it in. (To copy and paste highlight the words by right-clicking (hold it down!) and dragging the mouse over the words. When all the words you want are highlighted let go of the right mouse button and right-click on the highlighted words. A drop down menu should appear then just left-click on 'copy'. Go to your e-mail and open a new message. Just right-click and select 'paste' from the menu!)

The Quiz will look like this.

Q1. This stands for Question 1
A1. This is where your answer to question one goes.

Q2. This is question 2
A2. This is your answer.

And so on.

Quiz Form

Internet Alias: (whatever you want me to call you if you win. I will announce the winner on my blog.)
E-mail Address: 

Q1. Finish the line: "Being a half-blood is dangerous, it's scary. Most of the time it ___ ___ ______ __ ________ _____ ____."

Q2. What was the first thing Annabeth said about Percy?

Q3. What is the name of chapter 6 in The Lightning Thief?

Q4. How many chapters are there in The House of Hades?

Q5. Name the 12 Olympian gods and goddesses. (Give the Greek and Roman names.)

Q6. What color is Chiron's horse body?

Q7. What year did The Lighting Thief book (not the movie) come out?

Q8. Sally Jackson promises to make "Smelly" Gabe dip with how many layers?

Q9.  Why does Sally Jackson go out of her way to make blue food?

Q10. What happened to Sally Jackson's parents? (How did they die?)

Q11. Who took care of Sally Jackson after her parents died?

Q12. Who was Clarisse's protector?

Q13. Which god or goddess is the patron of Cabin 15?

Q14. When do Percy and Annabeth first kiss?

Q15. What was the first thing Leo said in The Lost Hero?

Q16. What are Annabeth's brothers named?

Q17. What is Nico's mother's name?

Q18. In the bonus story Percy Jackson and the Sword of Hades what does Nico say Persephone once turned him into?

Q19. What color is Jason’s shirt on the American cover of The Lost Hero?

Q20. How many American book covers is Blackjack on?

Q21. Finish this quote from The Battle of the Labyrinth: “Yay! Now we can eat peanut butter sandwiches and ride fish ponies! We can ___ ________ ___ _____ _______ ___ ____ _____ __ ____!”

Q22. What is the prophesy for The Lost Hero?

Q23.  How old is Coach Hedge is satyr years?

Q24. Who finds Percy and Annabeth in the stables in The Mark of Athena?

Q25. In The Last Olympian who first led the Ares cabin into battle?
Q26. How many Mythomagic attack points does a manticore have?

Q27. What does SPQR stand for?

Q28. What are the Karpoi?

Q29. What is the Mare Nostrum?

Q30. What is the Greek name for the fish-centaurs that Leo, Frank and Hazel meet in The Mark of Athena?

Q31. Which Greek god does Leo pretend to be in the short story Leo Valdez and the Quest for Buford?

Q32. How did Bob the titan get his name?

Q33. What gets thrown at Jason in The Mark of Athena?

Q34. In The Son of Neptune how does Gwen die?

Q35. What two foods does Leo cook in The Lost Hero? (If a food was made with a tofu version and a regular version it was counted as one type of food.)

Q36. Who always burns a pack of peanut M&M’s for his dad at dinner?

Q37. How many days did Jason wait for the Lord of the South Wind?

Q38. How tall is the Gateway Arch?

Q39. What type of flower did Piper picture Coach Hedge as?

Q40. What did Percy kill as a toddler? (Mentioned in the bonus book, The Ultimate Guide)

Q41. What did Jason try to eat when he was little?

Q42. What weapon(s) did Frank have when Percy first met him at the entrance to Camp Jupiter?

Q43. When is Annabeth’s birthday?

Q44. How many times (in a row) have the Hunters of Artemis won capture the flag?

Q45. In The Battle of the Labyrinth who/what said, “He smells like dead people.” And who was he/she talking about?

Bonus Questions!
(Answers can be found in earlier blog posts.)

Bonus Question 1. What was the title of my first blog post here?
Bonus Answer 1.

BQ2. What Percy Jackson book is my favorite?

BQ3. In my fan-fic about Percy and Annabeth in tarturus what two types of monsters do they encounter?

BQ4. How many times was pizza mentioned in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books and the Heroes of Olympus books?


I'm working on typing up the quiz! I'll either get it posted later today or on Monday.

Friday, December 20, 2013


It's going to be a little longer 'till I get the quiz up because I can't go and get the prize today because of the weather. But it's possible that I can get it tomorrow. So we'll just have to see.

Monday, December 16, 2013


I'll be posting the quiz contest soon! I have all the questions written out and ready I just need to pick up the prize and then I'll set up the quiz!

I don't know if I'm going to continue the Luke fan-fic because I'm having trouble with it. I'll write a few paragraphs, read it and then decide that it doesn't work and delete it.
Maybe Luke's story was never meant to be told.
We'll just have to see.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


So since I can't put pictures up with my mom's computer and our other one is still not working I'm going to be posting fan-fiction.
So since it will be posted on here as a write it, I'll be doing less posts. Maybe once a week or less depending on how much time I get to write.
Too bad I don't have old fan-fic stored on this computer or I'd do a chapter a day type thing.
If you have ideas for fan-fic I'd love to hear them, and I might even write them!

Here's some of what I worked on earlier today. It's Luke's story from where his story in The Demigod Diaries leaves off. I hope you like it!

(All characters belong to Rick Riordan and I do not claim to own them.)

The Diary of Luke Castellan Continued.

     Things haven’t gone to well since I last had time to write. It’s been a few weeks since Thalia and I found Annabeth and I still don’t have a real weapon. What kind of leader am I? Letting two girls defend me, pathetic. Whenever we come across another monster I try to borrow the knife I gave Annabeth but she refuses to let me protect her.
     I try to fight with whatever’s available. Branches, boards with nails, even a garden hose one time. But I’m just the distraction, it’s always up to Thalia and Annabeth to kill whatever we’re up against. And Annabeth is only seven, I feel horrible whenever she has to fight.
     But that’s part of being a demigod.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Our other computer is still down so I'm going to start posting from my mom's computer when I can.
But she doesn't want me saving any pictures on here because she's afraid her computer will get a virus, so at least for today I'll just put down the links to some pictures so you can follow them and see them.
okay I looked on pinterest for like 20 minuets and couldn't decide on anything to put here.
So follow the link below to my pinterest page (you don't need an account to look just to pin.) and see ALL my crazy Percy Jackson stuff.
If you have a pinterest you should follow me. :) Here is the link.


Ciao me amigos.

Friday, November 29, 2013


It's my birthday!!!!! 17 doesn't feel any different than 16.
And next year,  when I turn 18, I'm going to miss being able to vote by like 2-3 weeks.

I'm still working on my quiz, some of these questions are going to be hard.
No easy "Who is Percy's father?" type questions.
I'm going to call it The Super Fan Quiz.
(It was going to be The Super Fangirl Quiz but not all Percy Jackson fans are girls.)

And just another reminder, almost none of the art on this blog is mine.
Now that I can tell some artists by their drawing style I can credit them (when I remember).
But I'm not going to go back through all my old posts.

Monday, November 25, 2013


Our other computer is still down but I'm working on getting the quiz together and when it's ready I'll post from my moms computer if I have to.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Computer Problems

The kids laptop quit again, it's acting funky and we think it has a virus,  so I won't be posting for a while unless my mom lets me use her laptop (which I am using right now while am supposed to be looking up an address for a party tomorrow).

While I'm offline I'll keep thinking of questions for the quiz contest!

Monday, November 18, 2013


Well so far there are 8 votes for a quiz contest so that will probably be the contest. There's still more time to vote though so if you haven't, please do!
Right now I'm thinking the prize will be a $10 Barnes and Nobel gift card.

Okay today's pics are some screenshots I took while playing The Sims3.
You see, I'm a weird fangirl so I made the Percy Jackson characters into sim families.

Percy and Annabeth have an awesome house on the beach.


They had a private wedding on the beach.

I made Leo and Calypso too.

They have a really cute house and twin boys who look like Leo. They're named Sammy and Hector.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


I like how Frank has become a strong leader.
In Son of Neptune he didn't think he could be Hazel's night-in-shinning-armor and he was
kinda a wanna-be.
Now after H.o.H he has really matured into a strong leader. He has more self-confidence, he's a great leader and fighter.
Now he really can be Hazel's night-in-shinning-armor and I love that.
I really agree with whoever wrote this. He might not be THE strongest character but he's one of them for sure.
At first I didn't like what we discovered in H.o.H and I was mad about it.
But I'm realizing that it makes him stronger and it gives meaning and purpose to his character.
 Enough with the serious stuff, here's some awesome artwork.

I love this so much. :)

This dam joke never gets old.

I think this is important.
We all owe a huge THANK YOU to Uncle Rick for all
the hard work he puts into his books.
So Thank You Rick Riordan
We joke and say we hate you but we all love you.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Hey sorry I wasn't posting but we had reached our internet limit. But it's been renewed for this month so I'm good as long as we don't reach the limit again before Dec 11.
Anyway, from now on I will only be posting on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

This is awesome, remember when Frank was promoted to Praetor to control the ghost army? Well this is it! Awesome right? 

I bet this has happened before. :D

Follow THIS link to see this other picture I found. It's a sad but kinda awesome comic. 
It was going to be to small to read on here so please follow the link to read it.
It's drawn really well.

And just a reminder, please keep voting for what type of contest I should offer!
The poll is on the right sidebar.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Seriously, where are they and how can I be part of this?

Look at that dude in the background, it's Apollo! lol

They might not look exactly like the characters but they're all pretty darn close.

Anyways I'm getting pretty busy so I might start doing posts on ONLY Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 
Because I'm not allowed on the computer on Sundays, I've got an all day babysitting job on Tuesdays, Youth Group on Wednesdays, and Theatre on Fridays.
All on top of my school and chores.

EDIT: I added a poll to the right sidebar, please vote for what type of contest I should have.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


So far I'm thinking I might do a quiz type contest. But I'm still not sure.

I found these pictures of the demigods and their mortal parents and started thinking about something.

Piper: Her mother is a goddess.
Annabeth: Ditto ^
Hazel: Her mother is dead.
Frank: His mother is dead.
Leo: His mother is dead
Nico: His mother is dead
Jason: His mother is dead
Percy: His mom is (as far as we know right now) alive.

What if Sally dies? All of the seven (plus Nico) have dead or immortal parents except Percy.
Dun dun duh .....

Monday, November 4, 2013


Okay so I've been asked to do a contest, and I really want to. I just don't know what to do for it or what to offer as a prize. I love to make jewelry but obviously boys don't want to win a piece of Percy Jackson themed jewelry unless maybe they have a Percy Jackson fangirl for a girlfriend.
So please comment on this post with contest and prize ideas!

Saturday, November 2, 2013


I love his face. Grrr :)

Nico is going to be wiped in-between shadow traveling and Reyna and Coach Hedge are going to have to carry him, fight monsters, protect him and protect the statue.

Some art from Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
10 points to whoever guesses who it is!
HINT: It's my fave myth!

Percabeth in that river . . . I forget what it's called.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The 57 Book Stack (Plus one collection of 16 short stories!)

I really love this drawing of Calypso, it's exactly like I pictured her.

Another small Bob!!! ♥

I was thinking about how I love the library and how much I miss the days when I would leave with a stack of books so big that I had to use my chin to keep them from falling over.
So I wanted to do this really cute picture of me holding a stack of my fave books.
But the pile of favorite books just kept getting bigger and bigger until I couldn't pick it up anymore.
It would have been as tall as me if I had put the Harry Potter books on the pile instead of holding them, but they were the last books I grabbed and the 7th one is so big it would have had to be near the bottom of the pile and there was no way I was going to do that.
The books are more or less piled by size and how I pulled them off the shelves, not author, series, or which book I loved best. 
AND these are not all my faves just the ones I have in the house. Plus I totally forgot about The 39 Clues.
And The House of Hades is not in the pile because my brother is reading it and I couldn't find it.

So that pile (plus the books in my arms) is 57 books (plus 1 collection of 16 short stories.) tall!
"The Stack" from bottom to top.
  1. Inheritance by Christopher Paolini
  2. Tiger's Destiny by Colleen Houck
  3. The Lightning Thief Graphic Novel 
  4. The Sea of Monsters Graphic Novel
  5. The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan
  6. The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan
  7. The Lose Hero by Rick Riordan
  8. Tallstar's Revenge by Erin Hunter
  9. Skyclan's Destiny by Erin Hunter
  10. Yellowfang's Secret by Erin Hunter
  11. The Last Hope by Erin Hunter
  12. The Sun Trail by Erin Hunter
  13. Sign of the Moon by Erin Hunter
  14. The Forgotten Warrior by Erin Hunter
  15. Night Whispers by Erin Hunter
  16. Lone Wolf by Kathryn Lasky
  17. Shadow Wolf by Kathryn Lasky
  18. Watch Wolf by Kathryn Lasky
  19. Frost Wolf by Kathryn Lasky
  20. Spirit Wolf by Kathryn Lasky
  21. The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey by Trenton Lee Stewart
  22. The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma by Trenton Lee Stewart
  23. Chataine's Guardian by Robin Hardy
  24. Stone of Help by Robin Hardy
  25. Liberation of Lystra by Robin Hardy
  26. Allegiant by  Veronica Roth (I haven't actually read this yet but I love the series.)
  27. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
  28. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
  29. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
  30. The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan.   Then: Firebird Rising: An anthology of SyFy and Fantasy (16 short stories and not part of the 57 count)
  31. Tiger's Quest by Colleen Houck
  32. OCD Love Story by Corey Ann Haydu
  33. Nevermore by James Patterson
  34. The Drowned Vault by N.D. Wilson
  35. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
  36. The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan
  37. The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
  38. The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
  39. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Ultimate Guide by Rick Riordan
  40. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Demigod Files by Rick Riordan
  41. The Heroes of Olympus: The Demigod Diaries by Rick Riordan
  42. Into the Wild by Erin Hunter
  43. The Sight by Erin Hunter
  44. Dark River by Erin Hunter
  45. Eclipse by Erin Hunter
  46. Long Shadows by Erin Hunter
  47. Sunrise by Erin Hunter
  48. Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary by Brandon Mull
  49. Fablehaven: Keys to the Demon Prison by Brandon Mull
  50. The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
  51. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  52. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  53. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  54. Harry Potter and the Tri-Wizard Tournament  
  55. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban (I have no idea if I spelled that right)
  56. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  57. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 


Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I was sad when Skippy died. :( 

It's Small Bob!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Adventure Time style ♥

I really like Reyna, I think she's a very strong character yet she has weaknesses too so she's not just this strong stone statue she's also a person who cares about her family and friends. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013


If you're ever feeling lazy just remember that the ancient greeks believed that their gods lived on the top of a very climbable hill but no one even bothered to check. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013


I absolutely do not ship Percy and Nico but this was funny.