Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Hi there, I have the next part of the story all ready for you!
Also, as my sister pointed out, in my last post I didn't post any pictures of either Charles or Cassandra's brother, Shawn. If I find any good pic's for them I'll share them.

After dinner Hannah and Helen caught up with Mallory on the way to the campfire. “Is it okay if we sit with you?” Hannah asked, “Or will we be separated by cabins again?”
  Mallory smiled, “You can sit wherever you want at the campfire, and it’s perfectly fine with me if you want to sit with me.”
  “Will we get claimed?” Helen asked.
“You should, all the gods are required to claim their kids.”
“Whoa,” Said Hannah as they came up to the campfire, “It’s purple.”
“It’s magic.” Mallory explained, “It changes color with the mood of the crowd, it also gets higher and hotter if people are in a good mood.”
  “Sweet.” Said Hannah and Helen in unison.
They were some of the first demigods there and were able to snag good seats in the second row. “Sometimes the first row’s marshmallows catch on fire.” Said Mallory.
  “On time the fire was so hot that the first three rows had flaming marshmallows!” added Cassandra as she sat down beside Helen.
   “Wow,” Said Hannah, “Maybe we should move back?”
“What? These are prime seats, we should hold on to them for as long as we can.” Cassandra said.
Helen and Hannah looked confused.
 “Sometimes older campers make the younger campers move,” explained Mallory, “But if we can hold onto them until Chiron gets here we won’t have to move.”
  “Do the older campers really bully the younger campers a lot?” asked Helen.
“Nah, most of the older campers are cool. It’s really only the Ares campers that are bullies.”
     Soon the rest of the campers filled in and the Apollo kids started tuning their instruments.
“What’s with the instruments?” asked Hannah, grimacing as one boy blew a harsh high note while tuning his harmonica.
   “Sing-along time!” exclaimed Cassandra and Mallory in unison.
“Oh great,” moaned Helen, “I cannot sing to save my life.”
  “You guys hold my seat,” said Cassandra, standing. “I’m going to snag us some s’more’s supplies.”
“Sure thing.” Said Mallory as she pulled her feet up onto the bench were Cassandra had been sitting.
Charles spotted Mallory as he went to sit with his friends; he waved and called, “Hi, Mallory.”
Mallory waved back despite Helen poking her.
  “Oooh, is that your boyfriend?” Helen asked as soon as Charles was out of earshot.
Mallory pretended to gag and fall of the bench. “That was my brother!”
  “Well he sure is cute.”
Cassandra came back over and passed out marshmallows and sticks. “Sorry Helen, but Charles is mine.” She glanced back toward him, “He just doesn’t know it yet.”
  The girls all dissolved into giggles.
Helen and Hannah were amazed at how good the Apollo kids were when the music started.
   “How’d they get so good?” Hannah asked.
“Their father, Apollo, is the god of music.” Explained Cassandra.
As the night went on everyone had a great time, even Helen and Hannah laughed as they tried to sing along to the songs without knowing the words.
   Every so often the music and singing would pause as a new camper got claimed.
“Gods of Olympus,” Said Cassandra, “We sure got a bunch of new campers this year.”
  Mallory nodded. When she looked over at Hannah and Helen they both looked eager to be claimed and perhaps a bit worried that maybe they wouldn’t get claimed.
   Mallory was just about to reassure them when a holographic image appeared above Helen’s head.
“What?” asked Helen as the music and singing stopped and everyone looked at her. She twisted and tried to look at the now fading image of a lightning bolt. Cassandra and Mallory grabbed Helen’s arms and hoisted them up, forcing to her to stand. “Helen, daughter of Zeus.” They shouted. All the campers stood, bowed then clapped and cheered as was camp practice.
  Cassandra hugged Helen as they sat back down. “This means we’re related!” she squealed.
  “What?” asked Helen, “I thought you were a daughter of Aphrodite.”
“I’m a Legacy,” said Cassandra, “My parents are demigods. My father is a son of Zeus and my mother is a daughter of Aphrodite. So since you’re my dad’s half-sister,” she paused and made a face, “Weird but that makes you my half-aunt.”
  “Whoa, that is weird,” Said Helen. “So you’re my half-niece but your older than I am.”
“Wait,” interrupted Hannah, “I thought the godly side didn’t count. Or else we’d all be related somehow.”
  “It only counts if you have a parent in common. All children of the same god or goddess are half-siblings,” Said Mallory. “But things like Poseidon and Zeus being brothers doesn’t make their children cousins.”
  “What about Legacies?” asked Helen, “If you have the same god in your family tree are you related?”
“I guess that would depend on how far back it is,” said Cassandra, “If two Legacies are descended from Apollo but there’s like fifteen generations of different demigod and mortal parents it probably wouldn’t count. I don’t really know.”
  “Our generation is the first generation of Legacies at Camp Half-Blood.” Said Mallory.
Their conversation was interrupted by another new demigod was claimed, a child of Hermes. And as soon as his holograph disappeared, one appeared over Hannah’s head. An image of some sort of animal, a Meer cat maybe?
  “What?” asked Hannah.
  “I have no idea.” Said Mallory, but you’ve been claimed by someone.
“It’s a polecat,” Called out a boy in the crowd. “One of the sacred animals of Hecate.”
“Hecate?” Hannah asked but Mallory didn’t answer. Instead she and the person on Hannah’s other side pulled Hannah to her feet and lifted her arms. “Hannah, daughter of Hecate, goddess of Magic!” they announced.

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