Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted for a while. I've been busy.
I'm working on the next part of my story but I haven't finished it yet.
 I don't have to many more events coming up though so I'll have more time to work on it. There are only two more Youth Group meetings until we're done for the summer. I have a bunch of open houses that I don't know if I'm going to go to or not and I have my church's Sr. Honors Banquet. (To celebrate the graduating high school seniors, I'm not a senior but everyone in high school is invited to come.)
All that is spread out over weeks and months so I'll have plenty of time to work on my story until June.
In June I'll be gone from the 18th to the 29th for a youth convention, so I won't be writing.
As summer comes how much I post will depend on how much garden/outside work my parents have me do and if my dad decideds to limit computer use for the summer.

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