Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted for a while. I've been busy.
I'm working on the next part of my story but I haven't finished it yet.
 I don't have to many more events coming up though so I'll have more time to work on it. There are only two more Youth Group meetings until we're done for the summer. I have a bunch of open houses that I don't know if I'm going to go to or not and I have my church's Sr. Honors Banquet. (To celebrate the graduating high school seniors, I'm not a senior but everyone in high school is invited to come.)
All that is spread out over weeks and months so I'll have plenty of time to work on my story until June.
In June I'll be gone from the 18th to the 29th for a youth convention, so I won't be writing.
As summer comes how much I post will depend on how much garden/outside work my parents have me do and if my dad decideds to limit computer use for the summer.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What you've all been waiting for . . .

I finished it! I hope you like it.
I even know what I'm going to do for the start of the part after this, so maybe I have beaten the writer's block!

“What?” squeaked Helen, “What’s a quest, and how does my dad think I’m going to find Apollo? Up until a few weeks ago I didn’t even believe in the gods.”
  “A quest is when three demigods set out to fulfill a prophesy or to do something for the gods,” Said Mallory. “What exactly did Zeus tell you, that Apollo has been kidnapped?”
  “No, just that Apollo has gone missing and might have been kidnapped, and that I need to find him to prove myself as his daughter or something,” complained Helen. “He was going to say something more but the dream was cut off by something that sounded like a cow mooing and then I woke up.”
  “A cow?” asked Mallory, confused. 
 “Sounds like a weird dream,” said Hannah suddenly popping up behind Helen. “What’s up?”
“Zeus talked to Helen,” Said Mallory.
  “What?” said Jackie as he came trotting up, “Zeus?”
“Yes, get with it,” Said Hannah. 
“Helen’s been given a quest by Zeus himself,” said Mallory. 
“Does it have anything to do with this weird darkness?” Jackie asked.
“Zeus said that Apollo is missing,” said Helen, “And doesn’t Apollo control the sun or something?” Jackie nodded and was going to say something but Helen continued talking. “Anyway what do you think the whole cow interrupting Zeus thing meant?”
  “The cow is one of Hera’s sacred animals,” explained Jackie, “Hera isn’t normally fond of Zeus’ children by mortal women so she might have cut off the dream to prevent Zeus from giving you the quest and getting glory or credit or something like that.”
   “Didn’t you say that Zeus said that Apollo was missing, not kidnapped?” asked Hannah. “Aren’t the gods notorious for disappearing for short periods of time?” When she received weird looks from the others she shrugged and said, “What? I’ve always loved Greek mythology so I paid attention in class when we were learning about it. So anyway, what if Apollo isn’t really ‘missing’? He could have decided to take like, a vacation or something.”
  “But it is still night,” protested Jackie, “I don’t think that Apollo would have just dropped his duties like this.”  
    “But Apollo can take breaks for short periods of time, I think,” said Mallory. “My father once ran into Apollo in Central Park so obviously he wasn’t driving the chariot at the time.”  
  It looked like Jackie was about to say something but just then Chiron entered the pavilion.  A hushed silence fell over the campers as they waited to see what Chiron would say.
    “An emergency meeting has been called on Mount Olympus,” He announced. “Mr. D and I will be leaving shortly to attend. I ask that all campers stay here in the dinning pavilion until we return. Cabin Counselor’s may escort their campers to the restrooms or to the cabins if needed. Argus will be in charge while we are gone.”
People called out in the crowd.
  “Why is it so dark?”
“How long will you be gone?”
 “Have the gods abandoned us?” 
Chiron waited for silence once more then said, “We do not know why darkness has fallen, that is why the meeting has been called. I do not know quite how long the meeting shall last but I can assure you all that we will return and that the gods have not abandoned us.”
   Helen climbed onto the nearest table. 
“Get down!” hissed Mallory. 
“No!” she whispered back. Then she turned her attention to the crowd. “I know why it’s dark!” she announced, “My father, Zeus spoke to me last night in my dreams.”
  Whispering broke out among the campers. 
“Silence!” yelled Chiron. Addressing Helen he said, “What did your father say?”
“How do we know she’s telling the truth?” yelled one of the Ares campers.
Mallory climbed up beside Helen, “I believe her!” she yelled.
 “Yeah, sure, I trust the word of two first year campers,” Sneered the Ares camper.
“Let her speak,” Said Chiron.
  Helen took a deep breath then said, “My dad, er Zeus, told me that Apollo has gone missing and might have been kidnapped.” She bit her lip, “He said that I need to find him. And Mallory said that that meant that Zeus has given me a quest.”
  There was stunned silence all around. 
“Very well, a quest then,” Said Chiron. 
“Hey hold on!” someone called; it was Mary from the Hades cabin. She marched right up to Chiron. “You’re just going to believe her and let her lead a quest? She hasn’t even been here two full days yet! Are you even going to consult the Oracle? I’ve—“
Chiron cut her off, “It is clear that Zeus has issued her a quest, therefor we do not need to consult the Oracle about if she should go.”
  Mary opened her mouth to speak again but Chiron silenced her with a wave of his hand. 
“I regret that we haven’t had any opportunity to train her but we should not delay this quest,” Continued Chiron, “Helen you are allowed to pick two companions to join you and I urge you to choose wisely. I also advise that you consult the Oracle for any information that might help you on your quest, but there are not often prophesies for things such as quests issued directly from the gods.”
  Helen nodded, “I want Mallory to come with me,” she turned to Mallory, “That is, if you’re willing to come.” 
  Mallory’s heart thumped in her chest, she wasn’t anywhere near ready for her first quest, “Why me?” she asked, “Surely you’d want a more experienced camper. I’ve never even been on a real quest before.”
Helen shook her head, “I want you to come because you’re my friend. And I heard that your father lead a quest when he was our age, people say that greatness runs in your family!”
  Mallory blushed, “I’m not great like my father or mother but I accept.”
“Who will be the third member of your quest?” asked Chiron.
Helen took a moment to consider, she was about to say something when someone came running up to their table.
   It was Ben di Angelo, panting a little he said, “Let me come, please.” He straightened up and said, “I want a chance to prove myself to my father, to prove that I can be a hero too.”
  Helen looked puzzled, “But I don’t even know you,” She said. 
“I know,” said Ben. “But at least give me a chance.”

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I'm working hard on the next part of my story.
It's getting harder to keep writing and sometimes I feel like I want to quit but I'm going to keep writing.
I feel like giving you some bits backstory for my story. They might not be totally revelent but they're interesting.
Once I was writing a fan-fic on a fan-fic website. It was about my demigod character Mary.
She was my main character and my alter ego. It was set just after the Last Olympian and since she was 16 at the beginning of my story even Hades (her father) would have broken the 'Big Three' oath. That's part of the reason that I stopped writing. The main problem with that story was that I had absolutely no plot whatsoever. I just wrote whatever I decided and it just failed.
A story with no plot is not a story at all.
So I'm making sure to work on my plot for this story so that it doesn't die.
And Mary has gotten new life as a minor character in this story! She has a ton of backstory that probably won't come into play but it makes me happy to include her a little in this story.
I remember when I first made her up and how she liked to annoy Nico. >:) She once slipped a red sock into his white laundry.
I did a lot of fan-fiction with my sister and our BFF.
Only we didn't write it down, we acted it out.
It was so much fun and we came up with so many ideas and plot lines and weird scenarios.
Mallory came to life during the long nighttime hours of our pre-teen sleepover with no sleep years.
Originally her brother was younger than her and his name was River.
Well his name changed when we got older and our BFF started dating a guy named River. . . it got weird.
Then as I worked on my story I found that it worked better for him to be older than Mallory.
Ben was also a character that was invented durring our years of RPGing out our fan-fics in real life.
Of course originally his mom was a demigod and married to his dad but I had to change that in my story to make it flow better.
You can imagine our heart attacks durring HoH.
"Nooo, now Ben can't exist!"
Of course way before HoH we had deciced that Percy and Nico weren't really keen on Mallory and Ben being close friends so that still works.
Well he does and he'll play a fairly important part in this story.
Hannah is also a charcter that was made up years ago by my sister.  Like Mary she was part of the first series generation, just a few years younger than Percy.

Of course, some of my characters are compleatly new like Jackie, Cassandra, Shawn and a few others who haven't been intoduced yet.

So to be clear,
Charles and Mallory are Percy and Annabeth's children.
Shawn and Cassandra are Jason and Piper's children.
Ben is Nico's son.

I also plan to later introduce some more children of our favorite characters like Grover and Juniper's nymph/sayter children and Leo and Calypso's children.

And for this story Frank and Hazel are also married but they and their daughter (Eliza) won't be main or even minor characters in this story. (although I might mention them) Since both Frank and Hazel are Roman their daughter would be at Camp Jupiter.
(Note: I'm writing my story as if all 7 demigods + Nico survived the war with Gaea even though that is not realistic and Rick has said that not all of them will survive.)

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Just a quick post to tell ya'll that I'm almost done writting the next instalment of Second Generation Demigods.
Hopefully I'll be able to post it sometime within the next week or so.
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Just letting you all know that I might not post at all until after Easter since I'm fairly busy on weekdays right now and I'm also having trouble with the next part of the story.