Saturday, January 26, 2013

Quick note

Just a quick post, we've almost reached our internet limit so there will be no blog posts from me untill March 11.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Official Art V.S Fan Art!

YES! Finaly my Official Art V.S Fan Art post!!!
I'll post one official art picture of each main character and one fan art picture and what one I think is better.
Please comment what you think!

Percy Official V.S Fan
Official art

                                                                      Fan Art
Now clearly they need to make a new official art, sheesh! Percy is not 12 anymore.
I like the fan art better.
Now Jason . . .
Official Art
(I hate it! It's horrible.)

Fan Art! Not the best but better than the official.

Rachel, Official Art
Not bad but her hair is too short.

Fan Art
Much better :D

Annabeth Official Art
Was better when she was 12.

Fan Art!
I love it.

Grover Official Art
Whats with the cow bell?
Seriously? Dislike.

Fan Art
Much beter.

Nico official art
He looks sick.

Fan Art
Love! Way better.

Luke Official Art
Sucks, he's super ugly.
Luke fan art, much better.

Hazel Official Art
Not bad.

Hazel Fan art
also not bad, I think they're about the same.

Frank official art
Not horrible.

Frank fan art, worse. Official is better.

Leo official art
Not bad but  it's more about the toolbelt in this pic.

Leo fan art.
Way better. ♥ suspenders.

Piper official
eh, okay.

Piper fan art. (ignore Jason, horrible pic of him.)
Better than the official.

Thats it!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Characters I love P4: Annabeth!

Okay Annabeth is probably my fave female character in the whole books. (both series)

  1. She's brave
  2. She's smart
  3. She's tough
  4. She's preaty without trying
  5. She's logical.
Now the pics!

 Now, I didn't want to post any of the pictures with other characters in them but this one is just too perfect.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Characters I love P3: Percy!

Okay Percy is obvious, I'm sure that every girl who has ever read the books is crazy for him.
Of course, Percabeth is just to perfect to ruin.

Why Percy is awesome
  1. Brave
  2. Smart (ish)
  3. Funny (without trying.)
  4. Cute
  5. The perfect hero
  6. and reason number six, He's not perfect.
You just can't have perfect charactetrs it can ruin the book. Everyone has flaws.

Now, the pics!

(this one ^ is a bit weird if you look at it close...)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Characters I love P2: Leo!

Leo!! I just love him.
He is probably my most favorite character in the whole second series.
 Now there are a lot of reasons why I love Leo. . .
  1. He's funny
  2. Power over fire!
  3. Festus!
  4. He's funny
  5. He's cute
  6.  and so on.
I don't see why girls in the books don't love him too! ;)
I plan to write a Leo based fan-fiction later but that's for a later post.
Speaking of fan-fiction, James Junkers over at is having a fan-fiction contest.
The theme is about Percy and Annabeth in tatrurus. >:)
I'm not sure if I'll be able to come up with something to enter but I'll try!

Now my favorite part, the pics! (Even though his hair is wrong in a lot of them.)

(note: I do NOT ship Leo+Hazel.)

Monday, January 21, 2013

My Fave Characters and Why I love Them. Part One

My Fave Characters and Why I love Them. Part One: NICO!

Yes, part one of this is Nico!

I like Nico because I've always had a thing for the dark creepy dude in any book.
He doesn't need to talk a lot, and he's wicked awesome.
But I suppose I should go into why he's awesome.
  1. Shaggy black hair. I love ♥
  2. Has my favoright personality: creepy loner
  3. Anoyed Percy in book 3.
  4. And some more I can't think of.

My all time fave Nico quote.
"With great power, comes the great need to take a nap. Wake me up later."
And now, my fave Nico pics!