Friday, February 28, 2014


I don't have more fan-fic for you today, I'm still working on the next instalment.
But I was looking at my anime board on Pinterest and found that some of my pictures were look-a-likes to my characters in Second Generation Demigods.
I thought you might like to see how I see them.
(Note: I didn't draw any of these pictures and I do not take credit for them. I also do not know the artists. Sorry.)

Cassandra (her skin is a little darker though)


Helen (her expression is dead on for 'I am not amused')

Mary (of course she doesn't dress like this but it captures her personality) 
And last but not least, Ben and Mallory.
They met once as little kids but they don't remember it now.
I picked this picture because it was the best one for Mallory and for Ben.
Good pictures of boys are hard to find in anime, all my others were to old looking.
I also liked the aspect of water because of Mallory's heritage. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Here's the next instalment of Second Generation Demigods.

    Dinner at Camp Half-Blood was different than dinner at home. It was noisier, more crowded and the food tasted much better. Not that Annabeth was a bad cook; it was just that whoever did the cooking here was much better. Mallory sat at the Athena table with her half-siblings and watched for Hannah and Helen. She spotted them sitting at the head table with Ben, Mr. D, Chiron and some satyrs. Hannah spotted her and waved.
   When Mallory waved back Lucy caught her arm. “Who are you waving to?” she asked.
“A new camper.” Answered Mallory.
   Lucy nodded, “We keep getting more and more campers every year. Lots of Legacy’s too.”
They silenced as Chiron pounded a hoof on the stone floor.
   “We would like to welcome all our new campers today.” He said, causing a burst of cheering from the crowd. “We also welcome back our returning campers; we’re glad you survived the school year.”
   “School’s hard enough as it is!” shouted someone from the Hermes table.
Chiron chuckled. “I know you’re all hungry but Mr. D thinks we should go over the regular camp rules. Most of you know them but no doubt your memories could use refreshing.”
  Mr. D stood, “Yes, welcome back campers, blah, blah, blah. I’ll be glad when I’m rid of this miserable place. Anyway Chiron has deemed it fit that we should go over some general rules. The gods know you all need them.” He pointed a chubby finger at a few people in the crowd. “No purposely maiming or injuring other campers, no archery on the canoe lake, no boy/girl couples alone in the cabins. The usual stuff set in place to keep you all from dying. As usual curfew will be strictly enforced and any campers out past curfew run the risk of being eaten by the harpies. Any camper leaving the grounds without express permission from either Chiron or I, will be severely punished. Any cabin caught forcing new members through any sort if ‘initiation’ loses their desert for a month and is on KP for two weeks. And as always, go in the woods armed or unarmed at your own risk. Now, let’s all eat.” He sat down as Nymphs began passing around platters of food.
  Once everyone’s plates were full they sat down and Chiron stood one more time.
He raised his glass, “To the gods!” he shouted.
  The campers did the same. “To the gods!”
Mallory stood and got in line to sacrifice some of her food to the gods. It was customary. The gods liked the smell of the burnt offerings. And according to her parents, the food sacrificed here ended up at a shrine in the depths of Tarturus. That was kinda cool. 
    You were supposed to offer the best food, the juiciest meat, the ripest berries or the most buttery piece of bread. Once one of the Apollo campers only offered a moldy strawberry and kept the good food for himself. The god Apollo refused to let the sun set until it was put right and his son apologized. That story was used as an example when new campers asked what the point of the offerings was.
    Mallory watched to see if Hannah, Helen or maybe even Ben would be claimed. All children of the gods had to be claimed, that was the rule. Legacies were the exception, since they aren’t directly descended from the gods the gods weren’t oath bound to claim them, so most don’t get claimed. But instead they just announced their bloodline during the campfire.  Normal demigods who weren’t Legacies got claimed either at dinner or at the campfire.
    No glowing holographs appeared so it seemed like they were probably going to be claimed at the campfire.
   As if reading Mallory’s mind Lucy said, “I remember when I was claimed.”
  “Were you claimed at dinner or campfire?” asked Mallory.
“At the campfire, five years ago. I was twelve and totally scared but my half-siblings welcomed me right away.”
  Mallory nodded, most campers were welcoming to their new siblings. Although sometimes they were bullied or had to go through a secret, not allowed by camp rules, initiation. Ares campers had to win a few fights against their older siblings and other new campers. Hermes campers had to steal something. Most cabins didn’t have initiations since they were against camp rules.
    Cassandra’s mom had once told Mallory, Charles, Cassandra and Shawn about the old Aphrodite initiation that she had refused to do. New campers had to match up then break up a couple. If you didn’t do it, if you told, if you ever broke a rule or disobeyed orders from a senior camper then you were forced to wear the ‘shoes of shame’. The shoes of shame were white nurse’s shoes that, according to any Aphrodite camper Mallory had ever talked to, didn’t go with anything.
   They were still displayed in the cabin, bedazzled and glittered, not because they were used as punishment but as a reminder that Aphrodite takes ugly things and makes them beautiful.
  It had been Cassandra’s mom’s idea and it had been carried on by the following generation of campers.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Here's the next instalment of Second Generation Demigods.
I'm building up to some excitment but I'm still in the introduction stage. If this was a book I'd probably still be in chapter 1 maybe chapter 2.

When Mallory knocked on the door of cabin ten her friend Cassandra opened the door, “Mallory!” she shrieked. “You’re here!” Cassandra tackled Mallory in a big hug. “Are you excited?” she asked.
  Mallory nodded, and then gestured to Helen. “Cassie, this is Helen. Helen this is Cassie.”
   “Hi.” Said Helen.
“Good to meet you,” said Cassandra, “Are you new?”
Helen nodded.
  “Just came in today.” Said Mallory, “Could she borrow some clothes?”
Cassandra nodded and studied Helen. “I have just the thing, come on in.”
  Helen looked around as they entered the cabin. “It’s super girly.” Said Helen, “Aren’t there boys in this cabin?” she asked.
  Cassandra nodded. “Yeah, but mostly us girls are in charge, and since the boys are also children of Aphrodite they don’t object much. They get blue sheets instead of pink and they’re good.” She started digging through a trunk at the end of one of the pink sheeted beds.  She emerged with a green tank top and a pair of stylish denim cut-offs. “These should fit you, go in the bathroom and try them on.”
  Helen smiled, “Thanks.” Then she headed for the bathroom.
Mallory plopped down on Cassandra’s bed. “It’s so good to see you again, Cassie.” She said.
 Cassandra sat down next to Mallory. “We are going to have so much fun this summer.” Cassandra said. “Your first whole summer here, no more cramming stuff into the weekends.”
  Mallory nodded. Cassandra was a year older than her but they had been best friends for a while. Their parents were friends and Cassandra’s family only lived a few hours away, closer than any of her other camp friends. “How’s Shawn?” Mallory asked. Shawn was Cassandra’s older brother he was fifteen, same as Charles.
  Cassandra wrinkled her nose, “Annoying as always. At least he’s staying in the Zeus cabin right now.”
  Shawn and Cassandra were Legacy’s just like Charles and Mallory only descended from Zeus and Aphrodite instead of Poseidon and Athena.
  Helen came out of the bathroom, her hair was still a curly mess and she was dirty but she looked tons better with the new clothes. “Do I look okay?” she asked.
  Cassandra rushed over, “You look great!” she exclaimed, “Well besides needing a comb and a shower.” She studied the fit of the clothing a little closer, “In fact, these look better on you than they do on me. The shorts were getting a little too small in the hips since I’m so fat.”
  Helen looked confused. “But—“ she started.
  “You’re not fat, Cassie.” Mallory interrupted, “You’re curvy.”
 “That’s just a sorta nice way to say fat.” Cassandra sighed, “Helen you can keep those” she said.
“Really? Thanks.” Said Helen. “Um, I’m going to run and take a quick shower now.”
 “Do you remember where they are?” Mallory asked.
 Helen nodded.
“Okay then, see you at dinner.” Said Mallory.
  After Helen left Cassandra flopped back down on her bed. “Okay now Mallory, give it to me straight. I am fat, aren’t I?”
  Mallory groaned, “No Cassie, for like the millionth time you are not fat! I’d love to have your shape. I’m just a stick.”
  “Yeah you are a stick.” Said Cassandra.
“Hey! You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
  “Nuh uh, I did not.” Cassandra sat up and peered out the window. “Enough body talk, let’s talk about boys.” She rolled over onto her stomach and looked up at Mallory. “Do you think Charles likes me?”
  Mallory slapped her palm to her forehead; Cassandra had liked Mallory’s older brother for years. “I don’t think so. Anyway he’s older than you.”
  “Only by two years, that’s not that much.” Cassandra protested.
“It would be weird if you dated my brother.”
  “I wouldn’t mind if you dated mine.” Cassandra pointed out.
“Ewww!” both girls shrieked at once.
      They stopped laughing as other kids from Aphrodite started coming inside.
“Dinner’s in ten.” Dylan, the snotty head counselor informed everyone.
  Cassandra rolled her eyes, “I have a watch dude.” She muttered. “He’s like our personal clock that we don’t need.” She turned to Mallory. “I have to get ready for dinner, see you later?”
 Mallory nodded, she had no desire to sit in here while the Aphrodite kids ‘freshened-up’ for dinner.
   She hopped off the bed and headed out.
 She picked a bench in the middle of the commons and just watched the commotion of the camp for a little bit.

Friday, February 21, 2014


I've been a little distracted lately *sigh* but here's the next instalment of Second Generation Demigods. They keep getting longer, lol. The instalment before this one was 700 something words and this one is 900 something.

  “Stay here.” Mallory told Helen and Hannah, “I’ll be right back.” She ran after Ben and quickly caught up to him. “Why are you so upset?” she asked, “There’s nothing wrong with Hades.”
  “Hades is fine.” Ben said. “It’s my dad that I’m mad at.”
  “He doesn’t care about me. He just brought me here so he wouldn’t have to deal with me.”
Mallory frowned, how was she supposed to respond to that?
    “Why would he bring me here when he didn’t even stay here as a kid?” Ben asked.
“Maybe because he loves you and wants you to be safe? I know that’s why every demigod is here: someone loves them and wants them to be safe.”
  Ben walked a little faster as they neared cabin thirteen. “I doubt it. Now leave me alone.” He seemed eager to get inside and hide away.
Ben paused with his hand on the doorknob. “What?”
  “You’ll be sharing the cabin.” Mallory blurted.
“What?” Ben seemed dumbfounded. “Yeah, right.”
  “I’m not lying.” Protested Mallory. “There is another Hades camper, her name is Mary and she’s not very nice.”
  “Uh huh.” Ben was just about to open the cabin door when it opened from the inside revealing a tall girl with inky hair and pale skin. “She’s not lying.” The girl said with a smirk. “This is my cabin, little boy, are you sure you belong here?”
  Mallory was about to tell Mary to buzz off but then Ben met Mary’s glare and said, “As far as my dad is concerned I belong here, so it looks like you’ll have to share your cabin.”
   Mary arched an eyebrow, most younger campers didn’t stand up to her. “Just remember who’s in charge around here.” She said as she walked outside and headed off toward the woods, “Not all older campers are as accommodating as I am.”
   “Great, you’ve made her mad.” Said Mallory. “That’s going to be the death of you.”
“Thanks for showing me around but I don’t need you to defend me.” Said Ben as he stepped over the threshold into the cabin. Mallory stood there bewildered by his rudeness as he shut the door in her face.
   “So polite.” She muttered as she walked back to Hannah and Helen.
“Where’s Ben?” Helen asked.
  “Um, he’s all settled in to his cabin.” Said Mallory.
“Are we going to get some fresh clothes and a shower?” asked Hannah, “Because I’ve walked a long way to get here and I’m feeling nasty.”
   Mallory nodded, “After the tour I’ll try and find some clothes for you guys and then you can take a shower. Most first time campers don’t arrive with clothes and stuff since they get chased by monsters the whole way here and don’t get to pack. Some of the older campers will have stuff that you can borrow.” She looked over the girls. Hannah was stick thin and was probably about the same size as herself but there was no way that anything of hers would fit Helen. It wasn’t that Helen was fat, she just had more shape than either Hannah or Mallory.
  “I probably have something that will fit you.” Mallory told Hannah. “But we’ll have to look around for something for you.” She told Helen.
  “If first year campers don’t have a lot of stuff how come you have clothes to share?” Hannah asked, “I mean, you don’t look older than us.”
    Mallory nodded, “Yeah, I’m twelve and this is my first year. But campers with demigod parents know all about camp and can be prepared to go when it’s time.” She smiled, “Now come with me and I’ll get you guys some clothes.” Mallory lead the way to the Athena cabin where her clothes and things had already been dropped off by her parents.  On the way she explained about the different gods and cabins. “Each cabin is suited to the god or goddess it was made for.  Poseidon’s cabin is sea-like, Demeter’s has vines growing up the sides and a glass roof like a greenhouse. Apollo’s cabin is gold and reflects the sun and Aphrodite’s cabin is basically a frilly pink dollhouse. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.” She added.
      They stopped in front of a sandstone building. “This is cabin six, Athena. We have so many books, maps and battle plans that we hardly have room for bunks.” Mallory opened the door and led the girls inside. Mallory found her bag on one of the top bunks, quickly she riffled through for a pair of jeans and a shirt for Hannah. “These will do for now. You’ll have to make do until you can get some more clothes.” She said as she handed them to Hannah.
   “What about me?” Helen asked.
“We’re going to go talk to my friend Cassandra.” Said Mallory with a grin. “There are always clothes in the Aphrodite cabin.”
   As they walked down the row of cabins Mallory pointed out the bathrooms to Hannah, “All cabins have certain shower schedules but campers who have just arrived are allowed to take a shower no matter whose cabin has the current slot. So you can go ahead and take one, just hurry because there’s only 45 minutes until dinner.”
  “Okay, but where is dinner?” Hannah asked.
Mallory pointed toward the dining pavilion, “It’s over there in that pavilion, just follow the masses of campers when you hear the horn.”
  Hannah smiled, “Thanks!” she ran toward the showers.
“And then there were two.” Said Helen.
  Mallory laughed, “Come on, if we hurry you can take a shower before dinner too.”

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Hey sorry for slacking on posts, I've been busy this week. I didn't have time to finish writing the next part of my story so instead here's a list of 100 classic books to read before you die. I found the link on pinterest so I don't know who to credit.
I've read a lot of books but the only one on this list that I've read is Alice in Wonderland.
I quess I'd better look some of these up at the library, maybe I can get school credit.

100 Classic Books You Must Read Before You Die
1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – Ken Kesey
2. Diary of a Madman and Other Stories – Nikolai Gogol
3. Wide Sargasso Sea – Jean Rhys
4. Crime and Punishment – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
5. Notes From Underground – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
6. Story of the Eye – Georges Bataille
7. Spy In House Of Love: V4 In Nin’S Continuous Novel – Anais Nin
8. Lady Chatterly’s Lover – D.H.Lawrence
9. Venus in Furs – Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
10. The Canterbury Tales – Geoffrey Chaucer
11. The Karamazov Brothers – Fyodor Dostoevsky
12. Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad
13. Diamonds Are Forever – Ian Fleming
14. The Master and Margarita – Mikhail Bulgakov
15. The Secret Agent – Joseph Conrad
16. A Room With a View – E. M. Forster
17. Wuthering Heights – Emily Bronte
18. Don Juan – Lord George Gordon Byron
19. Love in a Cold Climate- Nancy Mitford
20. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof – Tennessee Williams
21. David Copperfield – Charles Dickens
22. Middlemarch – George Eliot
23. She: A History of Adventure – H. Rider Haggard
24. The Fight – by Norman Mailer
25. No Easy Walk to Freedom – Nelson Mandela
26. Of Mice and Men – John Steinbeck
27. The Age of Innocence – Edith Wharton
28. Notre-Dame of Paris (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) – Victor Hugo
29. Jude the Obscure – Thomas Hardy
30. The Old Curiosity Shop – Charles Dickens
31. Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde – Robert Louis Stevenson
32. Bram Stoker’s Dracula – Bram Stoker
33. Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
34. The Castle of Otranto – Horace Walpole
35. The Turn of the Screw – Henry James
36. Vanity Fair – William Makepeace Thackeray
37. Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov
38. Baby doll – Tennessee Williams
39. Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Truman Capote
40. Emma – Jane Austen
41. On the Road – Jack Kerouac
42. The Odyssey – Homer
43. The Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck
44. Three Men in a Boat – Jerome K. Jerome
45. Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll
46. The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald
47. Vile Bodies – Evelyn Waugh
48. The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde
49. The Beautiful and Damned – F. Scott Fitzgerald
50. Against Nature – Joris-Karl Huysmans
51. The Autobiography of Malcolm X – Malcolm X
52. The Outsider – Albert Camus
53. Animal Farm – George Orwell
54. The Communist Manifesto – Karl Marx
55. Les Misérables – Victor Hugo
56. The Time Machine – H. G. Wells
57. The Man in the High Castle – Philip K. Dick
58. The Invisible Man – H.G. Wells
59. The Day of the Triffids – John Wyndham
60. We – Yevgeny Zamyatin
61. A Clockwork Orange – Anthony Burgess
62. Hell’s Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga – Hunter S. Thompson
63. A Tale of Two Cities – Charles Dickens
64. Another Country – James Baldwin
65. In Cold Blood – Truman Capote
66. Junky: The Definitive Text of Junk – William S. Burroughs
67. The Moonstone – Wilkie Collins
68. Confessions of an English Opium Eater – Thomas De Quincey
69. Subterraneans – Jack Kerouac
70. Monsieur Monde Vanishes – Georges Simenon
71. Nineteen Eighty-four – George Orwell
72. The Monkey Wrench Gang – Edward Abbey
73. The Prince – Niccolo Machiavelli
74. Bound for Glory – Woody Guthrie
75. Death of a Salesman – Arthur Miller
76. Maigret and the Ghost – Georges Simenon
77. The Woman in White – Wilkie Collins
78. The Big Sleep – Raymond Chandler
79. A Study in Scarlet – Arthur Conan, Sir Doyle
80. The Thirty-Nine Steps – John Buchan
81. Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert
82. Therese Raquin – Ãmile Zola
83. Les Liaisons dangereuses – Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
84. The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne
85. Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy
86. I, Claudius : From the Autobiography of Tiberius Claudius, Born 10 B.C., Murdered and Deified A.D. 54 – Robert Graves
87. Hangover Square – Patrick Hamilton
88. The Beggar’s Opera – John Gay
89. The Twelve Caesars – Suetonius
90. Guys and Dolls – Hal Leonard Corporation
91. Treasure Island – Robert Louis Stevenson
92. The Iliad of Homer – Homer
93. The Count of Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
94. From Russia with Love – Ian Fleming
95. War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy
96. Cold Comfort Farm – Stella Gibbons
97. The Diary of a Nobody – George Grossmith
98. Pickwick Papers – Charles Dickens
99. Scoop – Evelyn Waugh
100. Lucky Jim – Kingsley Amis

Friday, February 14, 2014


Happy Valentines day!!!
  Valentines day is never a big deal for me since I'm single and don't date (I'm going to court. You can comment/e-mail and ask if you have questions about what courting is.) so Valentines day is just a day for me to have an excuse to eat chocolate.

Here's the next part of Second Generation Demigods.
Ben's parents are revealed! (Sort of.)
(It's kinda short but it felt long while I was writing because there's so much dialouge.)

“So?” Mallory asked, “The rule about no ‘Big Three’ kids was abolished by my father a long time ago.”
   “But they’re still powerful and attract a lot of monsters,” protested Jackie, “plus children of Zeus . . . well, Hera doesn’t like them. The last child of Zeus only lived because Zeus gave him to Hera.”
“Yeah, but Helen is safe from Hera here right?”
Jackie hesitated, “I don’t know. She should be but Hera has her ways of getting what she wants.” 
 Mallory was about to say something but was cut off by Hannah, Helen and Ben coming out from the big house.
   “Chiron said that you’d give us a tour.” Hannah said to Mallory. “And Jackie, someone called Mr. D wants to see you.”
   Jackie nodded nervously and went inside.
“Okay guys,” Mallory said to the new kids, “My name is Mallory.”
  “I’m Helen,” Said the ginger haired girl. “And this is Hannah.” She gestured to the other girl who was skinny with straight brown hair.”
  “Hi!” said Hannah, giggling.
“My name’s Ben.” Said Ben.
Mallory nodded, she already knew his name but she wasn’t going to say so since she’d found it out by sneaking around. “It’s nice to meet you all. This is the Big House.” It was stating the obvious that they were at the Big House but it seemed like a good place to start. “It’s basically the headquarters of the whole camp. It also acts as a guest house and infirmary when needed.”
   Mallory lead them through the camp explaining things as best as she could. Eventually they reached the cabins.  “This is the first wing of cabins; it has the original twelve plus six new cabins.”
   “First wing?” asked Hannah, “Eighteen cabins isn’t enough?”
“You know how Chiron explained that every demigod has a real Greek god or goddess as a parent?”
Hannah nodded and said, “Yeah.”
  “Well we have one cabin for every god or goddess, even the minor ones like Nemesis and Hecate and ones who don’t have kids like Hera and Hestia.” Explained Mallory. “But there are lots and lots of gods and goddesses so we have tons of cabins. We thought we had finished when we added the second wing but every now and then a kid shows up with a really minor god or goddess as their parent and then we need to add another cabin. We have a third wing started but it only has two cabins. Luckily the less powerful your godly parent is the less likely you’ll have to come to camp. We barely have room for the third wing of cabins. We had to expand the border and build into the hills.”
  “What cabin will I be in?” asked Helen.
“New campers normally get claimed at the campfire after dinner. So I don’t know yet.”
“What if your parents are demigods?” Ben asked.
 Mallory smiled, “Then you’re a Legacy, like my brother and I. We’re descended from Athena and Poseidon.”
  “Which cabin do you stay in?” he asked.
“We were claimed by both Poseidon and Athena so we switch back and forth between the cabins. Legacy campers don’t always get claimed by both their Grandparents though so it helps if you know.”
  “Why don’t they get claimed by both?” asked Hannah.
“It just depends, Poseidon and Athena are very proud so they both wanted to claim me. My friend Kimi is descended from Hermes and Demeter but she was only claimed by Demeter. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s something the gods agree on up on Olympus.”
   “I don’t think I’m a Legacy.” Said Hannah, “Wouldn’t I know if I were?”
“If you were a Legacy your parents probably would have told you. I’ve grown up coming to Camp on weekends.” Said Mallory.
   “I’m a Legacy.” Said Ben. “I don’t know which cabin I’ll stay in. My father told me that my mother never attended Camp Half-Blood. Do you have a cabin for Eirene?”
  “I don’t think so.” Said Mallory, “Who’s Eirene?”
“She’s the goddess of Peace.” Said Ben.
  “I’ll ask Chiron, if we don’t have a cabin for Eirene we’ll build one.” Mallory said with a smile. “In the meantime you can stay in your father’s cabin.”
   Ben sighed, “I was hoping to avoid that.”
“Why? Do you not know your father’s parent? Is it another minor god?” Mallory asked.
  “No, my Dad told me which cabin was his while he was here.”
“Which one?”
  “Cabin Thirteen. Hades.” Ben whispered then turned and walked away.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Okay here is the 3rd instalment of Second Generation Demigods.
All big mistakes fixed hopfully.
Introducing two totaly new characters and one who is a second generation.
If you have any guesses about who's who, comment!

Mallory was waiting for the right moment to sneak away when she heard screaming coming from the hill. Both Chiron and Ben turned as a ginger haired girl came running over the hill screaming for help. “It’s after my friends!” She yelled.
      Mallory had jumped out from hiding, she wanted to help but had no weapons.
 “Mallory,” said Chiron, running over with a scared looking Ben behind him. “Take them down to the big house and wait for me.” To Ben and the girl he said, “Follow Mallory.”
   “What about Hannah and Jackie?” the girl asked, “A big lion thing is after them, Jackie told me to take Hannah and get help but Hannah wouldn’t leave!”
   “Jackie?!” exclaimed Mallory, “Chiron I’ve got them, go help Jackie!”
Mallory grabbed the girl by the wrist, “Follow me.” She told Ben.
   She ran down the hill praying that Jackie would be alright. He would, this wasn’t his first Protector Job, and he’d lead demigods to camp before. These kids were obviously demigods. Powerful ones if it was the Neman lion after them. The girl had said that there was a lion thing.”
    “Who are you? Where are we going? How do you know Jackie?” the girl asked Mallory as soon as they stopped on the porch of the big house.
   “Just a minute, stay here!” Mallory told the girl and Ben. “I’ll be right back.”
Mallory turned and ran toward the volley ball pit where a few campers had arrived to start a game.
“New campers, a monster, Half-Blood Hill.” She gasped.
   Luckily the campers knew what she meant, since this was a regular thing during the beginning of camp. They armed themselves and ran toward Half-Blood Hill.
    Mallory ran back to the Big House hoping that the kids hadn’t run off.
   She found them standing where she left them. “What’s going on? The ginger haired girl demanded.
Mallory held up her hand as she tried to catch her breath. “There was a monster after you,” she began.
   “I know that.” The girl snapped. “I want to know why you dragged me away before I could help!”
“Help?” Mallory asked, “You could have gotten killed, you don’t know how to fight.”
     “I may not be able to fight well but I don’t leave friends behind.”
“Jackie is my friend too.”
     Mallory took a deep breath, “How much do you know?” she asked.
   “I know that supposedly my father is some god and that I’m supposed to be safe now that we’re here.” The girl seemed to be calming down some and she swept her hair back before continuing. “When Jackie found me at my school weird things had been going on for a while and nobody believed me. I didn’t hesitate when he told me that we needed to leave. I was all too ready to get out of there.” She looked around nervously. “I just don’t know if this place is going to be any better.”
  “Um,” the boy named Ben interrupted, “Is anyone going to give me answers? My dad didn’t tell me a lot about this place.”
   “Oh,” Mallory didn’t know where to start. Fortunately Chiron came down the hill with Jackie and another girl who looked Mallory’s age. “Um, Chiron will explain more and probably show you the introduction video.”
   Ben looked wary but he didn’t say anything more.
        “Is everyone okay?” Mallory asked Jackie.
He nodded, “Chiron and I were able to hold the Lion until help arrived. Hannah kinda helped too.”
The other girl nodded, “I don’t know what I did exactly, but I sure confused it.”
   “Now,” said Chiron, “Come inside and I will explain everything.” He held the door open then followed the ginger haired girl, Ben and the girl named Hannah inside.

    Mallory turned to Jackie, thankfully he didn’t look too beat up. “I’m glad you’re okay.  How did the trip here go?”
   Jackie grimaced. “Not great. I’ve never had so much trouble getting new demigods to camp before. It didn’t help that we had a long way to go, all the way from Arizona with monsters attacking us every day.”
   “So you found both girls there?” Mallory asked.
Jackie shook his head, “We joined Hannah and her Protector in Boston and they traveled with us but . . .” He trailed off, holding back emotion.
   “Oh no.” Mallory gasped.
  Jackie nodded, “We ran into a Sphinx and her cub. Trevor and I did our best to defend Hannah and Helen but  . . . a Sphinx by itself is powerful and hard to beat but she was protecting her cub and we had stumbled into her territory. She wasn’t going to do the “Pass my test and I’ll let you go” thing. She was going to eat us all.”
  He paused, looking like he was trying not to cry.
“Trevor sacrificed himself so that we could get away.” He managed.
“Oh, Jackie that’s awful.” Mallory hugged her friend. “Trevor must have been awfully brave. What’d he turn into?”
   “I don’t know.” Jackie said as he pulled away. “We left before we saw anything.”
“So he could still be alive!” exclaimed Mallory.
“No  . . . no we heard . . .” Jackie turned away. “He’s not alive. We heard him scream and then . . . he stopped screaming abruptly.”
   “I am so sorry.” Mallory said. “But you still got both girls to camp, you saved them.”
“But I didn’t save Trevor. I was a coward, I should have stayed behind.”
That was it, Mallory couldn’t take it anymore. She slapped Jackie hard. “Don’t say that. It’s awful that Trevor died but I don’t wish for one second that you could have taken his place, you didn’t even know him before you met in Boston. It’s in the past and you can’t change it so stop being so sorry for yourself!” she yelled.
   Jackie stared at Mallory, shocked. He put and hand to his cheek, “That hurt.” He said, “But your right.”
“I am?”
“Yeah,” Jackie sighed, “I can’t change it.”
   “So what do you know about the girls you brought in?” Mallory asked to try and lighten the subject.
 “They’re both powerful. I think Hannah might be a child of Hecate because she could already control the mist a little when we met up with her and Trevor. She didn’t seem too fazed by the whole demigod thing. But I should have Iris Messaged Chiron about Helen and called him in.”
   Mallory sucked in a breath, Chiron didn’t make ‘house calls’ for just anyone. The last demigod that he had gone to in person had been her father, the son of Poseidon.
    “She might be, I think . . . she might be a child of Zeus.” Jackie confessed.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ships I can't ship.

Okay I have a little time to post today since I have to babysit from Noon to 7pm instead of 7am-4pm.

So today's post is 'Ships I can't ship'
So yeah here we go.

The number one ship that I cannot ship is Percy&Nico.
Why you ask?

  1.   Annabeth, duh.
  2. Gross, duh.

The number two ship that I cannot ship is Luke&Annabeth
  1. Percabeth is way too cute
  2. I ship Luke&Thalia
  3. Luke's dead.

The number three ship I cannnot ship is Thalia&Nico
  1. HoH ruined it for me
  2. I decided it was weird long before HoH
  3. Thalia is a huntress

The number four ship I cannot ship is Leo&Hazel
  1. Frazel is way too cute.

The number five ship I cannot ship is Rachel&Octavian
  1. I hate Octavian.
  2. I don't hate Rachel.
  3. Octavian is a pillow-pet-murdering freak.

The number six ship I cannot ship is Leo&Piper
  1. Calypso!!!!
  2. Jason
The number seven ship I cannot ship is Nico&Jason
  1. Piper.
  2. Plain weird.
  3. Gross.
(Although if it were a life or death choice I would pick Nico&Jason over Nico&Percy,)

Yeah that's about it. I can't think of any more.
Do you have any un-shipable ships? 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Sorry, there won't be a new instalment of Second Generation Demigods for a few days.
I had the 3rd part all written up then my sister read it and pointed out a flaw. I'm going to have to re-write a couple paragraphs and I just don't have time yet. It will probably get posted sometime on Monday or Tuesday.
   I'm going to be busy over the rest of this week since I have to babysit all day Thursday. Then on Friday I pack up and leave for a 3-day weekend youth retreat. I cannot wait to leave, it's going to be so much fun.
So I'll be getting back on Sunday afternoon but since I'm not alowed to use the computer on Sundays fixing the story will have to wait until Monday.
   I just might share pictures from the retreat if I take any good ones.

Monday, February 3, 2014


I think I'm going to continue with regular instalments of Second Generation Demigods.
They're called 'instalments' because they're too short to be called 'chapers'

So here is the second instalment! I hope you enjoy this, please feel free to leave comments about it!
And remember, I don't like obsess over this and edit and edit and edit like if I was writing a real book. Mostly what's getting put up is the first 'draft' and I haven't edited it much less read it twice.
So if there are mistakes sorry, feel free to point them out!
Also I'm introducing a new character and I just know that he's going to create questions so if you have one (or many) please comment and ask, I love answering questions!

Second Generation Demigods
      Instalment 2

One look inside and Mallory could tell that she was not going to fit in in this cabin.
All the campers had the same blonde hair that Charles had. With her unruly black hair she’d stick out like a sore thumb.  At least she had the same grey eyes. It seemed that blonde hair and grey eyes were the Athena standard. Neither she nor Charles completely fit the bill. Charles had the hair but his eyes were the same sea green as his fathers, and Mallory had grey eyes like her mother and all the Athena campers but her hair did not match. While Charles blended in well there was no hope for Mallory
   “Charles!” called one of the girls inside, “Come on in, who’s this small one you brought us?”
  “Lucy, this is my baby sister Mallory.” Said Charles, “Mallory, this is Lucy, the head counselor for cabin six.”
   “Nice to meet you,” said Lucy, “So are you going to be bunking here with us or over with your brother in cabin three?”
  “I, um, I’m going to be staying here for this month. I’m going to switch back and forth like Charles does.” Mallory said, trying to hide her sudden nervousness.
   “That’s wise, that way you don’t offend either Poseidon or Athena by picking sides.”
“You know,” Charles cut in, “If you pick Athena now you won’t be sharing a cabin with me at all because we’ll be switching around.”
    “Well, you got here a week before me so we’ll have a week together each time you switch.” Said Mallory.
  “And maybe she doesn’t want to share a cabin with you.” Said Lucy, “She’s a smart one, I can tell.” She winked at Mallory.
   “I’ve got it from here Charles,” she continued, “Just run off and do whatever you’re supposed to be doing.”
   Charles shrugged, “Have fun Mallory, I’ll see you at dinner.” Then he turned and left.
  “You can have this bunk here, it’s one of the only ones open. If you don’t want a top bunk you’ll have to sleep next to Matt and he sleep-farts.” Lucy told Mallory.
   “Top’s fine.” Mallory murmured as she slung her bag up, she’d unpack later. She turned and faced Lucy, “I already know my way around camp so you don’t need to give me a tour.”
  “Okay then, if you have any questions feel free to ask. Don’t be late for dinner or you’ll get a bad seat.”
“Next to Matt?” Mallory guessed.
   “You catch on so fast!” exclaimed Lucy. “I like you already.”

         Mallory walked toward the Big House, hoping to say hi to Chiron if he wasn’t too busy. He was like her centaur uncle, and she loved him.  She remembered getting rides around camp from him when she was younger.  To her good fortune he was up on the porch. Probably waiting to greet new campers, since today was technically the first day of camp and lots of kids both old and new would be arriving, though other campers had arrived earlier, like Charles.
   “Chiron!” she yelled as she ran up onto the porch.
  “Mallory, my child you’ve gotten taller!” he said, “Are you here to stay the summer this year?”
  “Yes I am, an inch taller and staying the whole entire summer.” She announced, “I’ve already got my things in the Athena cabin.”
  “Distancing yourself from your brother I see.” Chiron said with a grin.
Mallory shrugged. “Maybe.” She turned and looked at Half-Blood hill. “I don’t think I need him.”
  She expected Chiron to impart some unneeded words of wisdom but he was silent, looking at the hill as two figures walked over and stood at the top.
   “Sorry that our chat has to be cut short but I have a new camper to greet.” Said Chiron.
 “Understood.” Said Mallory.
   She watched Chiron trot toward the hill, apparently he didn’t bother with human form for greeting anymore.  She looked up at the people on the hill. She had assumed that both were new campers but now she could see that one was taller than the other. A parent maybe? She left the covered porch of the Big House and walked toward the hill for a better look. When she was closer she ducked behind a tree to watch. She didn’t really need to hide, but ever since she was little she had watched new campers come over the hill. And since she had to sneak away from her parents she always hid. It just felt natural to continue the habit even though she didn’t need to.
   She wasn’t close enough to hear as Chiron talked to the new camper, a skinny boy, and a man who had to be his father, since they had the same inky black hair and olive skin.
     The boy seemed to be arguing with his father. Eventually the father disappeared down the hill, into the mortal world, and Chiron came down into camp with the scowling boy.
   “Now, Ben.” Chiron was saying as they came into earshot. “Your father didn’t have the best camp experience. That was before things changed here, before the children of all the gods were welcome here. I’m sure everyone will like you just fine.”
  “Oh I’m not worried about being liked,” said the boy, Ben. “I just don’t like that my father is acting like a coward. He didn’t even give me a proper goodbye.”
   “Your father has been through a lot, I most certainly would not call him a coward.” Scolded Chiron.
Ben said nothing, just kicked a pebble down the hill. And at that moment his sullen expression exactly matched the one his father’s face had had just moments ago.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Second Generation Demigods!

I've finaly found a fan-fic idea that I can really get into. I'll probably be able to get a fairly good story out of this. I'm already loving writing it. I had a hard time stopping.

So, I hope you enjoy the first instalment of Second Generation Demigods!
Reminder: Although I wrote this story the idea for Percy, Annabeth and all the original characters and loctations belongs to Rick Riordan. I don't claim to own them.
However, I did make up some characters that don't belong to Rick. Still without his awesome books this little fan-fic couldn't exist.

Mallory, daugter of Percy and Annabeth, Granddaughter
of Athena and Posiedon.
Mallory was so excited, she was finally twelve years old and this was going to be her first time spending the whole entire summer at Camp Half-Blood. Sure she had visited before but she had never stayed the whole summer on her own. Which cabin would she be in? Would she make any new friends? Would she get a quest?
      Her worrying was interrupted by a voice, “Mallory!”
She turned and saw her older brother running up. “Charles!” she squealed as he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. “Here to stay this summer?” he asked.
    Charles was fifteen, three years older than her, so this was the start of his fourth summer at camp.
“Yes, yes!” yelled Mallory, “Now put me down!”
   Charles laughed and set her down. “Hey Dad, Mom.” He said turning to hug their parents.
“I can’t believe you’re both going to camp now.” Their mother said. “You’ve grown up so fast.”
  “Relax, Annabeth.” Said their father, “It’s not like they’ve never been here before. They’ve been coming for weekends with us since they were babies.”
   “But Percy,” Annabeth protested, “Now they’re on their own, what if--?
“They can fight their own monsters.” Percy said, “Now let’s leave Mallory to explore so we can go find Grover and the others.”
   “Oh, all right.” Said Annabeth with a sigh.

      Mallory watched her parents go then turned back to Charles. “Which cabin should I put my stuff in? Athena or Poseidon?” she asked. “Because . . .” her voice trailed off.
    “Well it depends.” Charles said with a grin, “Do you want to room with me or not? I switch off every month and right now I’m in Poseidon.”  Both Charles and Mallory had been claimed by both Poseidon and Athena on their first visit to camp years ago so both cabins welcomed them.
   “I think I’ll stay in Athena for now then.” Said Mallory. She didn’t want to spend her first whole summer here shadowed by her older brother.
  “Come on then!”
   As Charles lead the way to the cabins Mallory wondered what the Athena cabin looked like on the inside. She’d never been inside any of the cabins before. When her family had visited for on weekends they had always stayed in the Big House.
    Her parents used to be counselors here for the Athena and Poseidon cabins but after they had gotten married and had Charles they bought a house about two hours away on an isolated beach, both Charles and Mallory attended an online school during the fall. But even as ‘grown-ups’, Percy and Annabeth still wanted to be a part of Camp Half-Blood. They were some of the first demigods to survive that long anyway. So they came over on weekends and taught classes. Percy taught sword-fighting and canoeing and Annabeth taught Greek history and battle strategy. But all the campers loved it when their two favorite teachers teamed up, once a summer, for an ultimate week-long battle session. Like capture the flag, only it lasted a week.
    There were other adults here though, people that Percy and Annabeth had known as kids. They didn’t live as close but they still came every once in a while.
   Mallory was proud. Her parents’ generation was the first to have kids at Camp Half-Blood. She was also proud to be one of the first kids to have been born from other demigods. The term ‘legacy’ had caught on here. Where that had come from Mallory didn’t know. But she was proud to be a legacy of Athena and Poseidon. She loved hearing people whisper about how powerful she might be with who her grandparents were. But she did have to be careful, her mother’s fatal flaw was hubris, deadly pride. Mallory didn’t know what her fatal flaw was and she didn’t know if she could inherit her mother’s. Anyway she didn’t want to be too prideful, fatal flaw or not.
    “Here we are!” Announced Charles as he pushed open the door to the Athena cabin and Mallory got her first look inside.