Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Okay first of all today . . .
WOO 600 views for my blog. Total. Okay so not a ton but still good.
Now I will not be doing a cabin today because I'm on a library computer and don't have access to my pictures. But don't worry I'll be back on track tomorrow. Maybe I'll even do two cabins. ;)

So I do have to say, did anyone see that sneak peek of the movie picture that was posted on the Percy Jackson facebook page?
Tyson was wearing sunglasses . . .
Maybe they didn't want to spend money on CGI to make him have only one eye or maybe he was in disguise in that scene. I don't know but it was bad.

The movie might end up just as bad as the first one but I'm going to see it anyways. Maybe it will be better. We can hope.


  1. Congratulations! And 600 isn't nothing; you have to start somewhere! Keep it up, and yes, you better post two of the pictures ;)
