Wednesday, December 11, 2013


So since I can't put pictures up with my mom's computer and our other one is still not working I'm going to be posting fan-fiction.
So since it will be posted on here as a write it, I'll be doing less posts. Maybe once a week or less depending on how much time I get to write.
Too bad I don't have old fan-fic stored on this computer or I'd do a chapter a day type thing.
If you have ideas for fan-fic I'd love to hear them, and I might even write them!

Here's some of what I worked on earlier today. It's Luke's story from where his story in The Demigod Diaries leaves off. I hope you like it!

(All characters belong to Rick Riordan and I do not claim to own them.)

The Diary of Luke Castellan Continued.

     Things haven’t gone to well since I last had time to write. It’s been a few weeks since Thalia and I found Annabeth and I still don’t have a real weapon. What kind of leader am I? Letting two girls defend me, pathetic. Whenever we come across another monster I try to borrow the knife I gave Annabeth but she refuses to let me protect her.
     I try to fight with whatever’s available. Branches, boards with nails, even a garden hose one time. But I’m just the distraction, it’s always up to Thalia and Annabeth to kill whatever we’re up against. And Annabeth is only seven, I feel horrible whenever she has to fight.
     But that’s part of being a demigod.


  1. Replies
    1. I'll be setting up the contest soon. :)
      I have all the questions ready and I'll post the quiz as soon as I have purchased the prize. I should be going to Barnes&Nobel this Friday and hopefully I can pick up the gift card.
