Friday, January 3, 2014

Current Standings (Now that I've recounted.)

Okay now that I re-counted to make sure that I didn't miscount like I thought I had here are the current standings for the quiz.

Since I e-mailed in results you'll know where you are since you know your own score. :)

The person in first place has 43 out of 53 points.
The person in second place has 42 out of 53 points.
The person in third place has 40 out of 53 points.
The person in forth place has 28 out of 53 points.

Thank you all for entering! The quiz will be open until someone gets 53 points or until January 30.


  1. I have a question regarding your quiz
    Is it available to those outside the US?
    I live in the UK and was wondering if I could enter?

    1. Yes! Please do! :) It's open to everyone, everywhere. Since the gift-card fits in a normal envelope it wouldn't cost to much extra to send it overseas.

  2. Hello
    Thank you for posting --Current Standing (Now that I've recounted.)-- I know this can be a troubling topic for most, and I love that you were able to speak so openly about it. I've been wondering - did you design this blog yourself? The layout is just divine. I've been trying to start up a website, but can't get it to appear nearly as wonderful as yours.

    1. Thanks! :) I used blogger to create my blog, so all the coding was done for me by the website but I picked out the layout, the colors and the stuff on the sidebars like how many veins I get, followers I have and the like.
      I love blogger and I wouldn't be able to set up a blog easily without it. If you google (bing, yahoo, whatever you use.) blogger I'm sure it will come up and you'll be able to set up your own blog!
      Good luck!
