Thursday, January 2, 2014

Current Standings

EDIT: I'm stupid. I think I've been miscounting points this whole time. I think that I counted bonus points twice by mistake, marking them as correct answers and as the bonus 2 points. Oops. So now I need to re-count everyone's scores. I'll be doing that tomorrow. No need to send in a new entry, I didn't delete the old ones.
Sorry 'bout that.
And I was right in the first place you can only get a maximum of 53 points. I had thought it was wrong because someone had gotten like 5 questions wrong yet had almost all the points they could get. That was due to my double counting of bonus points. Again, oops.
I feel stupid now. :)

Here are the current standings on the quiz. (Sorry ignore these, they're wrong.)
(I re-counted and saw that the maximum amount of points you can get is 59 not 53 but that will not affect your score so no biggie.)

The person in first place has 50/59 points.
The two people tied for second each have 40/59 points.
The person in third has 29/59 points.

Thanks for entering everyone!
And remember, you can send in another entry to try and get more correct answers!

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