Thursday, May 22, 2014

Blood Of Olympus Cover Review and Book Expectations

Okay, I've been asked to do a review of the Blood of Olympus cover so yeah, I'll start talking about it.

Above you see the recently released American cover for the Blood of Olympus.
I'll start with the obvious observations first.
Greek columns + giants = fighting Gaea on Mt. Olympus in Greece.
The three people easily appear to be (left to right) Frank with his spear, Jason flying and commanding lighting and Hazel riding Arion.
In the background we can see something hanging from a crane tower.
I've heard someone suggest that it's the Argo two but I don't think so. It just doesn't look like a boat.
At first I thought that it might be the Athena Parthanos somehow captured by the giants.
But then I saw this image (below) done by someone else and it makes sense.

It does appear to be Percy and Annabeth. This worries me but I still don't think that either of them will die.
You can see some lightning arcing around them and that might be Jason trying to free them somehow. Although I don't see how that would work.
Maybe it's just the perspective.

Some people were worried by the fact that there are only 3 (clear) demigods on the cover and the fact that 3 is a sacred number for quests and quests with more than three members often have only 3 members survive.
So does this mean that only Jason, Frank and Hazel will survive? Meaning that Percy, Annabeth, Piper and Leo would die?
I don't think so. In The Battle of the Labyrinth we had a large quest (Annabeth, Percy, Grover, Tyson and (in the end) Rachel.) They all survived.
I saw somewhere, someone said that Rick Riordan has said that he never has more than three characters on the cover.
But I do think that there will be deaths of main characters during this book.
If they didn't have to fight Gaea it would be boring in my opinion.
So for them to fight Gaea, she would have to 'awaken' fully.
For that to happen a girl demigod and a boy demigod have to die.
Rick Riordan has said that not all of the 7 would survive.
Gaea would prefer Percabeth to be the sacrifice but I don't think that Rick would kill them both off.
I'm not sure who will die.

I think:
Something is going to happen with Frank's firewood.
Percy's fatal flaw will come into play.
Hazel might die since she's supposed to be dead.
The 'oath to keep with a final breath' might pertain to Leo swearing to return for Calypso.
Nico is going to have to confront/confess to Percy.
Nico might die.
Reyna might die.

We Know 100% for sure:
Basically nothing.
We know Jason has a POV. ( first chapter preview released in recent e-book)
We Know Nico has a POV. (Rick Riordan said so on twitter.)

Brace yourself


  1. Do you have a link to the actual text of the first chapter?
    Also, how do you know that Nico will have a POV? Do you have a link to the tweet?
    (It's just annoying when people post stuff, without citing sources)

    1. No I do not have a link to the actual text of the first chapter as it was released with an e-book. People have been kind enough to take screen-shots on their tablets/e-readers and post them places (like on pinterest). If you want to read it here are the links to those: Part 1
      Part 2

      I also do not have a link to the tweet because I do not have a twitter. However when I saw a screenshot of the tweet online I had my mom (who has a twitter) verifiy it. It is real, so unless someone hacked Rick Riordan I do belive that the tweet was real and Nico will have a POV.
